Tuesday, 16 January 2018


For Nisha, Mariyam, Rushali, Varsha and Bless <3
Also dedicated to my fav music channel on YouTube Mammal Man <3


 if they stay through your spring blossoming,
 and while the colours slowly bleed out of your leaves
  and you're left with scars of senescence
 and when you're stripped and raw in your january winters;
 then they're worth keeping. 

A/N: Comments?

Monday, 15 January 2018


For Swathy, 
who misses school much more than I do.

I miss school.
I miss morning assemblies, and hymns.
I miss march past and dramatics practice.
I miss seeing the quadrangle filled with with screaming children.
I miss choir practice, and exchanging lunches.
I miss sneaking food under the desk, and lime juice from the canteen.
I miss tests and record work, and walking in the corridor.
I miss the whispered secrets, paper notes and the smell of sharpened pencils.
I miss the friends I made, the memories we created.