Friday, 27 October 2017

Saturday, 21 October 2017


my mother

 my mother is behind the woman in me
 she is in the kindness of my heart
 but also in the fire burning in my eyes;
 she in the gold fillings of my cracked soul,
 in the silver linings of my dark clouds.

quotes: part two

snippets of thoughts

 her mind was like the oceans
 unreachable depths and crashing waves
 buried treasure and sunken ships;
 sailing ships and swimming sharks,
 pretty pearls and pink coral
  buried in her mother's womb
 she will never see the beauty of life;
 because she never had one.
 she was a free spirit.
 in the rustling of the leaves; 
 the crashing waves
 and the crackling flames.
 she was everywhere.

A/N: Do tell me what you like best <3

Saturday, 7 October 2017